Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

我们的文化多样性是推动整个组织创造力和创新的核心力量. The voices, ideas and contributions of our entire workforce, 以及我们在世界各地开展业务的社区, 我们承诺的关键方面是否有助于养活不断增长的全球人口.

Our Journey

One of the J.R. Simplot公司的核心价值观是对人的热情. 公司证明这一点的一个重要方式是通过我们支持多元化的活动, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). 我们致力于确保我们的员工享有平等的机会和公平的待遇, respect and dignity. 我们努力确保他们有一种归属感和安全感,让他们全身心投入到工作中.

这是一个漫长而有目的的旅程,从许多年前就开始了,这是我们公司的基础,也是我们Simplot使命和目标的基础. 去年,我们围绕DEI正式制定了流程和目标. 这些措施包括(但不限于)启动全球DEI指导委员会, supporting employee resource groups, launching unconscious bias training, and determining three DEI global focus areas:

  • DEI training, awareness, education
  • 在所有人才决策中扩大对多样性的关注
  • Localized action


We are better together. The J.R. Simplot公司通过建立一种鼓励员工的包容性文化来强调对员工的热情, supports, and celebrates the diverse voices of our people.

We know through experience that different ideas, perspectives, 背景可以创造一个更强大、更有创造力的工作环境,从而产生更好的结果.

Simplot对DEI的承诺加强了我们公司及其业务. 我们将继续以有意义的、深思熟虑的方式在这一进程中前进.

Employee Testimonials

Angeline Achariya Headshot

“DEI is important to me as a human first. 我们都是不同的,我们是谁,我们带来了什么. 公平是我们每天都要面对的选择随之而来的是包容的行为,因为最终, all we want and need is to belong, whether it’s in our families, friends, work or community.”

Angeline Achariya
Simplot Australia


Gary Rudgers Headshot
“对我来说,多样性和包容性意味着每个人都受到尊重, appreciated, heard, and celebrated for being their own unique individual; providing an environment for everyone to thrive, be successful, and most of all, be happy.”
Gary Rudgers
Simplot Plant Sciences


Kimberly Graham Headshot
“我想起了我最喜欢的一位编剧的话, Lena Waithe, who said, “你真正看到变化的唯一途径是帮助创造变化.’ I love the initiative [we are] taking by educating team members on the importance of diversity and inclusion… We all can change the works; we just have to have the humble heart to want to change it.”
Kimberly Graham
Simplot Food Group





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